Thailand pigeons


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
I live in Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand.

I am looking for anyone with King pigeons - the utility kind. I am having so much trouble finding any here - its took my 6 months and I only have 3 now - and they all turned out to be females!!!

I am looking to set up a pigeon 'farm', but just can not find breeding stock.

good luck, but in mean time you can cross one big racer, show, or meat homer cock to them as homers are ancestors of all meat/utility breeds, and then just keep breeding the "meatiest" youngster cocks back to your females, and sell the culls or eat them until or if you never find good quality meat birds. should only take ten to eight genreations at very most if your extremely unlucky in dice game of pigeon genetics.
Good morning,

We are the largest pigeon breeding company in Poland. We are located in Radomsko 97-500, ul. Brzeźnicka 59a.
We have a very large number of pigeons for sale. We want to sell it all. We are interested in markets from all over the world.
We had clients from countries such as Qatar, India, Pakistan, Canada, USA, Thailand, Taiwan and many others.
We invite you to fruitful cooperation. Please reply quickly regarding the sale of pigeons around the world.

With best regards

Artur Pawelec / Michał Światek
+48 505 231 138
[email protected]

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