Thanks for the info!!


Aug 2, 2021
Fontana, California
A week ago or so I asked for help regarding my 4 older hens and my 4 babies who started laying a few weeks ago and they were all trying to share one nesting box in our original small, 2 nest coop.
I put a new bank of 4 new nesting boxes up and you advised that I immediately close the old coop up and not give them access.
I did occasionally find an egg somewhere other than a nest but that stopped.
At that time only the babies, 2 Anconas and 2 RIR's were laying. I would see one of the girls frantically running around the outside of the little coop trying to figure out how to get in so I would call her and take her in to the new nesting boxes and show her. It seemed to work because I am getting eggs from all the babies and 3 of the older hens are laying in it too.
I also bought plastic fake eggs and put 2 in each nest as extra help. I've gone from zero eggs every day to 6 or 7. Mission accomplished!!!
Thank you so much!!

Now I have another question. The Anconas and RIR babies started laying at about 18-20 weeks old on 12/19/24.
It's now Jan 26, 2025 and all 4 are still laying little tiny eggs. When should they start laying the correct size for their breed??
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My Leghorn cross started laying eggs early, at about five months old. Her eggs were, and at ten months old at present, still are small.

I don't mind.

My four hens are of the same breed but all lay different sized and different coloured eggs. I like it.

Don't worry too much about when they start laying, but do take note of when and where that does happen.
about 18-20 weeks old on 12/19/24.
It's now Jan 26, 2025 and all 4 are still laying little tiny eggs
Are these dates correct? Your "babies" have been laying tiny eggs for over a year? Or do you mean this has only been going on for about a week? If they've only been laying for a week or so, don't worry. It may take a month or two for their eggs to get up to normal size. However, if they've been laying small eggs for over a year, that's probably not going to change.

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