That could be a Chicken Coop

What do you see in the Diagnostic Image?

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Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
"Hey! That could be a Chicken Coop!"
she says while driving down the highway and pointing, with a passenger who just says "Huh?" and looks up too late.

Coopitis, otherwise known as "That could be a Chicken Coop" afflicts an untold number of Chicken Keepers every year. Treatment is still a pipe dream... (pvc pipe construction?)

Please direct your attention to this
Diagnostic Image:

Cover up one of those fence things with a piece of plywood so that you can put nesting boxes and roosts over on one side and then cover the other on with hardware cloth for ventilation. And a door should be super easy to make as well. And plus it looks to have a deep bedding lip so you don’t have to change it out very often. It could use a couple layers of exterior paint and make the roof overhangs a bit larger and everything would work perfectly.

Do you think I am affected doc?

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