The chicken math is REAL!


Jul 6, 2018
Hello! For about a year I thought about raising chickens and this Feb I decided to do it! I started as many do, with 6 chicks from Tractor Supply and a pre made coop. Now I am building my own, have a Rooster and 9 ladies and 9 eggs in the bator with more on the way! Gotta love that chicken math! Also, let me assure you that chickens ARE the gateway animal! We will be building a goat shelter this fall for baby goats next spring! All in all I am very happy with the turn my life is taking and plan on clearing some of our land to start a small farm! I now own my first air compressor and nail guns, my first coop and chickens, my first incubator and hatching eggs and I am sure many more firsts are coming and I can't wait! Weather you want chickens for pets, food or show I guarantee that the little Dino's will change your live for the better! Happy Hatching!
My husband swears the chickens are my favorite pets out of all of the animals. We also have 3 dogs, 4 cats & 3 horses. But I have to admit the girls antics and attitudes amuse me to no end. Today one flew up on top of one of our was funny watching her figure out how to get back down.

My husband also thinks I am a bit crazy because We have 12 girls and I still want to get a few more breeds. . Hey we don’t have any that lay this beautiful dark chocolate colored eggs yet......
My husband swears the chickens are my favorite pets out of all of the animals. We also have 3 dogs, 4 cats & 3 horses. But I have to admit the girls antics and attitudes amuse me to no end. Today one flew up on top of one of our was funny watching her figure out how to get back down.

My husband also thinks I am a bit crazy because We have 12 girls and I still want to get a few more breeds. . Hey we don’t have any that lay this beautiful dark chocolate colored eggs yet......
LOL YAAAAS! You always need more breeds! The 9 eggs I have in the bator now are "mystery" eggs as they came from a fellow chicken lady up the road who has everything under the sun! I can tell 2 of them are Marans and one is speckled so I know it's a cucoo Maran. The other eggs are 2 pink, 2 tan and the rest varying shades of brown. I had 2 blue ones at the start but wouldn't you know they weren't fertile. My friend is penning her EE roo up with the two Americana's to make sure they get fertilized and I get those on Monday. I just got a bantam cochin who is super broody and I am going to put half of those eggs under her and the other half in the bator just to see how it goes. I want those blue egg layers SOOOO bad! You watch, they will all hatch out roo's right? LOL I am lucky. I have the land to have as many chooks as I want! The new coop is being built for 30-40 as I think it's a good number for me. I hope you get your Marans for those great chocolate eggs! And yes...we are most definitely crazy!
LoL At least I came to the right place! For the last year all I could talk or think about was getting my chickens. Then I got them and all I could think about was them and wanting to try hatching eggs. Now all I can think or talk about are my hatching eggs and now that I have a good broody hen I have added THAT to my list of things to talk and think about!...And I couldn't be happier!
I have a feeling I am going to be one of the WORST enablers! :wee

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