The keepers from my spring chicks


Feb 24, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
Most of my hens are nearly 3 years old and starting to slow down, so I got some chicks in May from Meyer Hatchery. It was my first time getting mail-order chicks and I was very impressed with the health and quality of the chicks. I started with 27, and only lost one Polish chick about a week in. All 26 were pullets, as advertised! I kept 5 and sold the rest. Several are in friends' coops so I get to visit them.


I name my chickens, but wait until they grow up a bit to make early losses a bit easier and to give them time to show personality. From the top left, there are 2 Easter eggers, Redbeard the Pirate and Hattie McDaniel, a white crested blue Polish, Gladys Knight, a white Leghorn, Ranch, and a Plymouth barred rock, Half Flap. The barred rock broke her wing a bit as a small chick; fortunately it was mild enough to not cause her issues but it did make her stick out from the other barred rocks in the batch.

Hopefully we start getting some pullet eggs in the next month or two! :)

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