- Thread starter
- #11
Susan Skylark
Back home, incubator still running steady, day 14 (I think!). Candled before lockdown, also water candled just to make sure (usually reserve for late, unpipped eggs). Of my first 6 eggs three were quitters, thankfully that percentage dropped from fifty to over twenty five percent (still lousy but better than half dead!). Total loss was 5 eggs today (all died day 5-7), 1 day 2 quitter and one random healthy day 9 cull. So far 6/22 early embryonic death loss (not counting healthy cull in total or egg count). We’ll see how hatching goes, all other eggs candling normal and movement when water candled. I spiked the humidity and we’re in lockdown, 16 eggs left, hatch day 15-20 potentially. So yes, turning is very important, not absolutely necessary but not doing it does have a very significant effect on hatch rates. Normal for me is 10 percent or less early embryonic death on unshipped eggs, 25 is definitely significant! It won’t destroy your hatch like wonky temp but totally has an effect on developing embryos. I’ll keep you posted!