The Ranch Girl (My Story)

The Ranch Girl

Jun 27, 2022
My Coop
My Coop
Well our story was a long and hard one, living on 33 acres in the middle of nowhere can get lonely. When we first bought our property it was nonstop trying to clear it and level it so we could move our RV out there. Once that was finished we’d build our house. A house that we would eventually grow out of and leave. But would be my parents forever home.
Before even moving the RV out there we built our coop. It was the most amazing thing when it was done! The best part was we all worked so hard to build it!
It was end of winter going into spring when we got our first batch of chickens. If I remember right we got 5 Easter Eggers, 5 Barred Rocks, 5 Buff Rocks, and 15 Black Aulstralorps. Along with 15 Muscovy Ducks. I was so happy to finally have our first animals on our land! They started it all😊 because believe me after that lots more animals came pouring in:idunno
You would often find me sitting with the chicks, they loved jumping all over me and it was so funny.
After they were old enough we moved them to the coop. That was about 2 yrs ago. Now they are so happy, at least the ones the coyotes didn’t get. We are down to 6 Black Aulstralorps, 4 Easter Eggers (my favorite), 4 Barred Rocks, And 2 Buff rocks.
In those two years we hatched 5 hen mixes including one rooster.
This year for Valentines my mother found a cute picture of baby chicks in a chocolate box. She sent that to my dad jokingly saying that’s what she wanted for Valentines. Out of what Miracle just happened, I don’t know but he said yes!?! Well folks this is why you NEVER EVER NEVER want to say yes……….

25 laying chicks

18 Bantams (hatching)

12 Silkies

12 ducks (hatching)

15 French Black Cuckoo Marans (hatching)

And 2 geese later, I’m so happy! I have never had so much fun before. Can’t say the same for my dad :lol: buuuuut that’s out of the point!
Chicks are fun and relaxing and I’ll enjoy it while I can! Because I can already see the feed bill…….:oops::confused:
Point being we all love chickens and they were the founding animal on this Ranch! I look forward to many more years of chickens to come!
-The Ranch Girl❤️
Well our story was a long and hard one, living on 33 acres in the middle of nowhere can get lonely. When we first bought our property it was nonstop trying to clear it and level it so we could move our RV out there. Once that was finished we’d build our house. A house that we would eventually grow out of and leave. But would be my parents forever home.
Before even moving the RV out there we built our coop. It was the most amazing thing when it was done! The best part was we all worked so hard to build it!
It was end of winter going into spring when we got our first batch of chickens. If I remember right we got 5 Easter Eggers, 5 Barred Rocks, 5 Buff Rocks, and 15 Black Aulstralorps. Along with 15 Muscovy Ducks. I was so happy to finally have our first animals on our land! They started it all😊 because believe me after that lots more animals came pouring in:idunno
You would often find me sitting with the chicks, they loved jumping all over me and it was so funny.
After they were old enough we moved them to the coop. That was about 2 yrs ago. Now they are so happy, at least the ones the coyotes didn’t get. We are down to 6 Black Aulstralorps, 4 Easter Eggers (my favorite), 4 Barred Rocks, And 2 Buff rocks.
In those two years we hatched 5 hen mixes including one rooster.
This year for Valentines my mother found a cute picture of baby chicks in a chocolate box. She sent that to my dad jokingly saying that’s what she wanted for Valentines. Out of what Miracle just happened, I don’t know but he said yes!?! Well folks this is why you NEVER EVER NEVER want to say yes……….

25 laying chicks

18 Bantams (hatching)

12 Silkies

12 ducks (hatching)

15 French Black Cuckoo Marans (hatching)

And 2 geese later, I’m so happy! I have never had so much fun before. Can’t say the same for my dad :lol: buuuuut that’s out of the point!
Chicks are fun and relaxing and I’ll enjoy it while I can! Because I can already see the feed bill…….:oops::confused:
Point being we all love chickens and they were the founding animal on this Ranch! I look forward to many more years of chickens to come!
-The Ranch Girl❤️View attachment 3774398View attachment 3774399
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you enjoy your chooks!

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