This is very long so don't worry, you don't have to read it all.
This is for my sweet little mango, flying in heaven.
Mango was, well, no words can describe him, he was gorgeous in every way and the sweetest thing in the world. I got him as a early birthday gift from my parents, we had talked about it since my hamster titi, RIP, had passed away months before. We found mango on Craigslist and went to get him. I had never had a parrot before, my mom has a cockatiel but she is super mean so my only experience with parrots was her, I was scared at first but quickly realized how wonderful mango was. It wasn't long before he was snuggling in bed while I watched TV and was my best friend. We were a inseparable pare. I let his wings grow put so he could fly around my room and stuff. Then one day I was trying to get him in his cage and he was flying around like he always did, he flew to the floor and I tried blocking him from going under my bed with my food. I accidentally stepped, not very hard, on his back. I quickly lifted my foot and he screamed and flew but crashed. I put him on a perch and ran to get my mom. We took him to a local vet who took x-rays and said it was most likely a pulled muscle and stress causing the very labored breathing. We took mango home and put him in a small cage and he seemed better. The next morning at 5 AM my mom wakes me up saying we need to get him to a exotic vet asap. So we drive the 1½ hours to a exotic vet who puts him in a oxygen chamber for a few hours but had no diagnosis. We took him home, again he was better, and he was good.....until the next morning at 5 AM again. He was again whistling while breathing and having a extremely hard time breathing. Thus time we drove 2 hours to another exotic vet who put him in the oxygen chamber and used a nebulizer for him. They said he most likely caught pneumonia from all the stress. We stayed all day with him in the chamber and left at night. We came to pick him up the next day....well this time they told us they were going to wean him off the oxygen.....we came to a whistling, panting bird. They told us they "could do nothing more" and sent us too another exotic vet, this time a certified exotic vet, who put him in the chamber and told us that he probably had a punctured lung and said that we should put him down. I just couldn't, so after 3 days at that vet we made a home made oxygen chamber (see pics) and were going to try to wean him off one point every week. He was doing great!!! I was starting to have hope he would make it. We bathed him every day or every other day and he enjoyed it. Then one day he had what was like a stroke while we bathed him, he could not move but was still alive. After hours of hoping he would snap out of it I decided to put him down and out of this suffering. We called the vet and I decided to hold him one last time before taking him. To my relief he passed away in my lap, where he was happiest. He even tried climbing to my shoulder but he obviously did not have the strength. I feel so bad, like I killed him
. He was my everything. This was last May, he was in the last vet over my birthday. I miss him so dearly, all I can hope is he knew he was loved. He loved his "Mr. Pineapple" toy which he used to cuddle with all the time he would always put his favorite treat, dried papaya, in his water. He liked the flavori guess. Surprisingly I'm smiling while writing this, getting to remember my best friend and his silly antics. I rescued a cockatoo the next day because I couldn't stand coming into my room without my welcome squawk. Her name is cookie and I love her so so much but I can't help but miss my mango. Here are some pictures.
This is for my sweet little mango, flying in heaven.
Mango was, well, no words can describe him, he was gorgeous in every way and the sweetest thing in the world. I got him as a early birthday gift from my parents, we had talked about it since my hamster titi, RIP, had passed away months before. We found mango on Craigslist and went to get him. I had never had a parrot before, my mom has a cockatiel but she is super mean so my only experience with parrots was her, I was scared at first but quickly realized how wonderful mango was. It wasn't long before he was snuggling in bed while I watched TV and was my best friend. We were a inseparable pare. I let his wings grow put so he could fly around my room and stuff. Then one day I was trying to get him in his cage and he was flying around like he always did, he flew to the floor and I tried blocking him from going under my bed with my food. I accidentally stepped, not very hard, on his back. I quickly lifted my foot and he screamed and flew but crashed. I put him on a perch and ran to get my mom. We took him to a local vet who took x-rays and said it was most likely a pulled muscle and stress causing the very labored breathing. We took mango home and put him in a small cage and he seemed better. The next morning at 5 AM my mom wakes me up saying we need to get him to a exotic vet asap. So we drive the 1½ hours to a exotic vet who puts him in a oxygen chamber for a few hours but had no diagnosis. We took him home, again he was better, and he was good.....until the next morning at 5 AM again. He was again whistling while breathing and having a extremely hard time breathing. Thus time we drove 2 hours to another exotic vet who put him in the oxygen chamber and used a nebulizer for him. They said he most likely caught pneumonia from all the stress. We stayed all day with him in the chamber and left at night. We came to pick him up the next day....well this time they told us they were going to wean him off the oxygen.....we came to a whistling, panting bird. They told us they "could do nothing more" and sent us too another exotic vet, this time a certified exotic vet, who put him in the chamber and told us that he probably had a punctured lung and said that we should put him down. I just couldn't, so after 3 days at that vet we made a home made oxygen chamber (see pics) and were going to try to wean him off one point every week. He was doing great!!! I was starting to have hope he would make it. We bathed him every day or every other day and he enjoyed it. Then one day he had what was like a stroke while we bathed him, he could not move but was still alive. After hours of hoping he would snap out of it I decided to put him down and out of this suffering. We called the vet and I decided to hold him one last time before taking him. To my relief he passed away in my lap, where he was happiest. He even tried climbing to my shoulder but he obviously did not have the strength. I feel so bad, like I killed him