I would also like to know how she is doing. We had a Cornish-cross meat bird that had a similar condition and basically lost all her feathers around her vent, legs and belly. We had taken her in from the neighbors because they didn't eat her along with their others and she was such a sweet girl. However, she was so hard to integrate so we ended up taking her to a farm animal sanctuary that had a flock of Cornish. Despite some of them being 6 year-old meat birds, they ALL had feathers. Some were wearing aprons even though there were no roosters. They explained that it was to keep them from pecking and eating their own feathers. They slathered our girl in white diaper rash creme and said it should help her grow her feathers back in a few weeks. I'll try to get an update soon. We had another girl with a similar condition for months, but over-mated and top hen. After being separated forever, she finally molted and is now back to new without us really doing anything.