Thistlewick Smallholding - Chickens (for now)


May 11, 2024
Central NC - rural acreage
I just decided to make a place to collect how I grow my smallholding with photos, stories and thoughtful woolgathering.

Decided to grow our laying flock, to supply a local Farm Store and today is a great day to start cataloguing as we picked up six more pullets from TSC this morning.

I actually had the presence of mind to get photos of them, will show that in the next post but since this is the first post, I will show the hen house and run that we just finished building.

The chickens free range -- so the run is for vacations only!


And here is my whole flock, gathered under the barn lean-to, hiding from the rain just a couple days ago;

I just decided to make a place to collect how I grow my smallholding with photos, stories and thoughtful woolgathering.

Decided to grow our laying flock, to supply a local Farm Store and today is a great day to start cataloguing as we picked up six more pullets from TSC this morning.

I actually had the presence of mind to get photos of them, will show that in the next post but since this is the first post, I will show the hen house and run that we just finished building.

The chickens free range -- so the run is for vacations only!

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And here is my whole flock, gathered under the barn lean-to, hiding from the rain just a couple days ago;

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Beautiful chickens and set up! 😍😍
The chicks we picked up from Tractor Supply are cute as heck! They had some great breeds in this morning; I am very excited for them all.


1 sleepy Bielefelder

1 Rustic Rock (A Hoover's Hatchery mix)

1 Easter Egger (named her Dulce)

1 Light Brahma SO excited for this one (I actually asked for two but the gal messed up and gave me a...)

1 Cinnamon Queen instead! I am not mad about it, now I don't have to try and keep 2 light brahmas apart in my head haha

1 Golden Laced Wyandotte !!

This adds to our 2 week old;
3 Sapphire Olive Eggers
2 ISA Browns
2 Calico Princess

and our 3-4 Week old;
3 French Black Copper Marans (1 is for sure a cockerel; Oscar)
1 Vorwerk
1 Ayam Ketawa


Will try and get individual pics later today, lots to do - cutting more ventilation in the shed!
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Lovely set up. I'm surprised that you were able to get chicks, everyone has been posting that they are selling out!
We have to go right when they open and wait in a line! But yes, they do sell out the day they get them in. I've gotten chicks at TSC the past 2 weeks and both times 95% of the people getting chicks that I saw were just starting their flocks.

Or, they were re-selling :rolleyes:
My goodness cuteness is just simply overloaded.
I love looking at photos your chickens and baby chicks so cute and beautiful.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Your chicken coop is big like a whole shed and beautiful. You could set up a nice little chairs and table to have a nice cuppa with your feather kids on a nice sunny day or any day.☀️⛱️
My goodness cuteness is just simply overloaded.
I love looking at photos your chickens and baby chicks so cute and beautiful.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Your chicken coop is big like a whole shed and beautiful. You could set up a nice little chairs and table to have a nice cuppa with your feather kids on a nice sunny day or any day.☀️⛱️
thank you so much!! We hang out with them daily!! Particularly near bedtime, as they are hanging around the hen house for roost time. I swear chickens are the best pets :love:love

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