Thought wry neck until found lump


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State

Read the ear infection thread and peroxided and Neosporined. Two month baby just suddenly crooked his neck in half to his right. Neck folded in half like a sleeping giraffe. He walks but backs up a lot like my Orpington/Auracana mix. I'm stumped but not giving up yet. Hot packing it for tonight. Not sure what else to do but wait a day. Any advice would be appreciated!!
Poor little thing.

Did you find infection in the ear?
Any respiratory symptoms?

I'd work on hydration. Electrolytes or a little sugar water would be good.

Walking backwards is usually a neurological symptom, could be due to the ear/lump.
I'd give 400IU Vitamin along with 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. A bit of egg or tuna can help with the uptake of E.
Hi Wyorp Rock and thank you for your reply. Nothing came out of his ear, no heat, and thankfully no respiratory symptoms. I also am leaning towards dehydration. We recently have had, as have most states, 3 weeks of unseasonable heat, 75 to three days over 90. Lost 3 chicks to dehydration from two other hens. Will try tuna and need to run to Walmart for the rest. Thank you again for your reply. I always take losing any of my animals as a personal failure. Hope he makes it🙂
Hi Wyorp!
I have the Save a chick packets. One is electrolytes and the other is the probiotic. Mixing them now. Flushed his ear with peroxide just now and massaged his lump, which he seems to enjoy. Gave him tuna fish earlier and he scarfed it down, about a tablespoon. He seemed to have a small white blob in his ear but I couldn't tell if I was seeing his ear flap fuzz. Ugh. Trying so hard here. Also have Tylan on hand. I hate to dose him if it's unnecessary but will if it helps. Thanks again!
Wyorp I forgot to mention that he spent most of the day playing with his siblings and mom. He seems energetic and perky so far but I know chickens tend to hide things. The first day, yesterday, I tried making him a small cardboard neck ring to brace hiss neck. It kept it straight but he appreciated it like a lead enema! Finally should I shave his ear fluff cover? My gut says no, it serves a purpose, but for the sake of care it woul make treating him easier.
Hi Wyorp!
I have the Save a chick packets. One is electrolytes and the other is the probiotic. Mixing them now. Flushed his ear with peroxide just now and massaged his lump, which he seems to enjoy. Gave him tuna fish earlier and he scarfed it down, about a tablespoon. He seemed to have a small white blob in his ear but I couldn't tell if I was seeing his ear flap fuzz. Ugh. Trying so hard here. Also have Tylan on hand. I hate to dose him if it's unnecessary but will if it helps. Thanks again!

Wyorp I forgot to mention that he spent most of the day playing with his siblings and mom. He seems energetic and perky so far but I know chickens tend to hide things. The first day, yesterday, I tried making him a small cardboard neck ring to brace hiss neck. It kept it straight but he appreciated it like a lead enema! Finally should I shave his ear fluff cover? My gut says no, it serves a purpose, but for the sake of care it woul make treating him easier.
I wouldn't shave his ear.

If you see something in his ear, try gently wiping it out.

Work on hydration and the E and B-Complex vitamins for a few days. Keep watch on the ear to see if there's pus in there and wipe it away if there's any.
Baby , now named Lowly Worm, because I prop him in my boot swaddled in a dish towel and he reminds me of Richard Scareys character who also hopped around in one shoe and occasionally a boot. Anywho Lowly is slowly improving. I mix the contents of one entire vitamin E capsule and a crushed sublingual vitamin B together and scoop some yogurt and dose him daily. I still think he has a way to go but he is looking so much better 😍 Thank you Wyorp for lyour advice and patience. ❤
Baby , now named Lowly Worm, because I prop him in my boot swaddled in a dish towel and he reminds me of Richard Scareys character who also hopped around in one shoe and occasionally a boot. Anywho Lowly is slowly improving. I mix the contents of one entire vitamin E capsule and a crushed sublingual vitamin B together and scoop some yogurt and dose him daily. I still think he has a way to go but he is looking so much better 😍 Thank you Wyorp for lyour advice and patience. ❤
I'm glad he's improving a little.

I would love to see a photo of Lowly Worm in the boot:)

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