Three drakes getting obnoxious…attacking my dog


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2024
I have three apple yard drakes that were supposed to be three hens. I got them in the spring and this is their first fall. They absolutely hate my sweet old Labrador (who came from champion duck dogs which is hilarious) and they rush over to her and start biting her. She either ignores it or walks away. But recently they’ve made her bleed from a spot they pick at on her. It’s getting worse. I try spraying the hose to prevent them from getting to her, I stand between them and her, etc. but she’s old and just wants to lay in the sun in the grass. They are getting worse by the day. What do I do?
I have three apple yard drakes that were supposed to be three hens. I got them in the spring and this is their first fall. They absolutely hate my sweet old Labrador (who came from champion duck dogs which is hilarious) and they rush over to her and start biting her. She either ignores it or walks away. But recently they’ve made her bleed from a spot they pick at on her. It’s getting worse. I try spraying the hose to prevent them from getting to her, I stand between them and her, etc. but she’s old and just wants to lay in the sun in the grass. They are getting worse by the day. What do I do?
Can you make a pen for them? I got multipurpose netting and some step-in stakes to create a fairly large pen. My drake likes to attack my dog too but she’s younger and can fight him off.
You have got to separate her from them. My gander bit my dog every time she walked by until one day she had enough. And she grabbed him by the neck thank goodness we were right there and stopped it. I never let my dogs out with the flock unless we are with them things can get out of hand fast. And since your dog is old she doesn’t need to have these obnoxious drakes picking on her. Young drakes just don’t seem to be able to help themselves. Or young ganders.
You have got to separate her from them. My gander bit my dog every time she walked by until one day she had enough. And she grabbed him by the neck thank goodness we were right there and stopped it. I never let my dogs out with the flock unless we are with them things can get out of hand fast. And since your dog is old she doesn’t need to have these obnoxious drakes picking on her. Young drakes just don’t seem to be able to help themselves. Or young ganders.
Thank you! They do have a fenced run connected to their house but I let them roam the yard during the day. They startle delivery drivers but a second later the drivers smile and seem to get a kick out them. I foolishly put a water feature in my front garden at the same time I got the ducks so they prefer the front to their coop pool.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions that they will continue to harass her and locking them in back is just what’s best.

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