Timing Dilemma


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2024
I think I rushed things, I bought Pekin Duck hatching eggs earlier and now have 2-week-old ducklings, They will soon outgrow their brooder and I don't have a larger one for them, The question is how soon will they outgrow this brooder before I can put them outside in their coop? I know it all depends on timing, The night temperatures are going down to near freezing now, From these pictures how much time do I have before they are too crowded?


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How big is the brooder exactly?

You’ll want around 1 sqft per duckling for the first few weeks, upping it to 3 sqft at around 3 - 4 weeks, and then upping again to 4 - 5 sqft as adults.

If the night temperatures are near-freezing, you’ll have to either wait until it gets warmer, or wait until they’re fully feathered, to move them outside. Right now at 2 weeks, they should be at around 75 - 80°F.
There are other way to have a brooder too. I used a extra bath room put down puppy pee pads and had 4 Runner ducklings in there until they were 5 weeks old. My last 4 Runner ducklings I used a dog xpen and made a brooder for them in a corner of the living room put down puppy pee pads and shavings it was dusty but they came in September and was too cool to put them outside until they were fully feathered. Do you have a kiddy pool they make great brooders also. Please don't put them out until they are fully feathered with the temps you are having.
I am too impatient, My Pekin ducklings are 2 1/2 weeks old and a bit crowed. I don't have a larger brooder. I have two options, 1 is to keep them in their current brooder until the weather is warmer, (Currently the nights go down to freezing) or 2 put them outside in a coop with a heat lamp. again the temps are going down to freezing and maybe a little snow. Any advice will be appreciated.


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I have no choice I must keep them in this brooder until either they grow feathers or the temperatures moderate. Currently, it's 40 degrees, rainy and breezy, Not possible to put them outside.

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