Tips for getting a chicken to sleep in the coop?


Jun 17, 2022
So I went out of town and while I was away, a chicken showed up and lived independently for a few days, perching 5 feet up in the trees every night even though it's below freezing. When I came back I started moving her from her perch and putting her in the coop with the other chickens to sleep, but inside an isolation cage with comfortable pine shavings, etc.

She's scared of the other chickens. So she spends all day by herself in a 30x15 fenced area next to the coop with private food and water. If I let one of my docile chickens go in to eat with her, the new chicken gets scared and hides in the corner. Every night she walks 100 feet away to perch.

It's been about a week so far and besides her being more comfortable with me handling her, not much else has improved.

Is there anything more I can do to encourage her to go to the coop at sunset?
She sounds feral. She must have very good survival instincts. It is likely going to take her months to really get comfortable with your flock. I would leave one of your docile birds in the fenced in area with her every day so she can acclimate to just her. Then add them back into the flock.
All birds need to remain within sight of each other for them to acclimate to each other. And be very patient. As I wrote, this will take them quite a bit of time.
Thanks! never heard of feral chickens before. If she hasn't changed by spring, should I leave her alone to perch and live how she wants to?
Crested chickens, especially with big crests like that, don't survive long as ferals because of their compromised vision. A fancy chicken like that was probably somebody's chicken that escaped and got lost, which is good news because she probably has some habits and memories of living near people and other chickens, she's just scared right now. But she seems to want to be near you and your chickens regardless. She'd be acting the same way even if she lived her whole life in a backyard flock and was just rehomed to you - chickens don't like change, they don't like unfamiliar chickens, and can act afraid for a very long time until they get used to their new living situation. She'll need lots of time and patience.

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