Howdy chicken friends! I have benefitted greatly from this forum as I am raising my first set of hens for fresh eggs. I have 6 total, 1 barred rock, 2 buff Orpington, 2 black australorp and 1 freebie from meyer hatchery which I believe is a golden buff. Early on, I lost an australorp from drowning in water dish and my family sweetly found a replacement at the nearest farm supply. Most are about 7 weeks old and the new one is about 3 weeks behind. This post is about the newest one.
She (and I use the term loosely) has been very active, aggressive and confident from the beginning, which i thought was a good thing in the beginning. My girls welcomed her with open wings with no problems. Over the past week or so, it hit me that she is just different enough to possibly be a rooster. As you can see from the pics, she? has a larger comb already than the older aussie and it's bright pink compared to the pale yellow of the older one. Legs are thick and stocky, feathering is very different and she? is being very aggressive with the others, causing a lot of stress to the other girls. She is trying to show dominance but she's half the size of the others! Anyway, looking for a couple of things here... 1. Does she look like a rooster? 2. If she possibly IS a he, what should I do with him? Thank you in advance!