Todd & Daisy. Brand new with chickens.


9 Years
Jan 23, 2016
Hello all, we are really just still in the thought process, but I think we are at the end of that and starting to take action. We are in Glendale, Az. - North Phoenix in a neighborhood so I believe we are legally only allowed about 3 chicken and no Roosters. I was told that is never really enforced unless they are not clean and are loud or otherwise cause a neighbor to complain.
We need to decide whether to buy a coop or maybe a design and just buy materials and build it completely or a smaller shed converted? Then maybe even the idea of running the wire tunnels so they can get out free a bit.
We will be checking out the site and reading about all of you and seeing what is best. We are so new that we will even be learning what to feed them and special caring, different chores throughout the day to keep them happy. I heard happy chicken lay great eggs and if they are very happy, they may even lay a couple.
First things first though are getting all set up, like the coup all we will need and of course the knowledge to succeed.

Thanks Y'all

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