Tom Turkey with Broken Tail Feathers


7 Years
Mar 9, 2014
I have a Bourbon Red Tom that's pushing two-years-old. I noticed a while back that his tail feathers were breaking off. This does not appear to be regular molting. He's the only Tom in the coop and there are only a small number of much smaller roosters. I'm at a loss for what's causing it, but his entire fan is gone at this point. Any advice would be much appreciated.


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I do not have turkeys, but feather loss may be due to:
Molt,,, but you don't think he is molting.
Mites,,,, causing feather loss,,, but usually the feathers fall out at the base skin position.
Diet may be short on protein. I am not sure of this of course,,, but it is a speculation. I enlarged one of those pix the best I could,,,,,,,, and looks like the feather shafts are breaking off at a certain point.

Try feeding some extra protein in diet, and see if it solves any of the condition.:idunno .. Worth a try.
Lets see what others think as solution.???

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:

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