Too many roosters

Kelly T

Jul 6, 2015
Litchfield, OH
So, my second batch of chickens that I got from the hatchery appears to have, for sure 3 roosters & possibly one more we aren't sure about. My older hens (25 weeks old) are being bombarded by these 18 week old roosters. I don't want to harm the roosters but I'm not sure what my options are. I have 3-4 roosters & 9 hens, someone help!!!
Haha! Yeah, I'm beginning to think that may be an option. But, since I love my chickens & they are my pets it's hard to think about doing that.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. The recommended ratio of roosters to hens is 1 rooster for every 10 hens. As they mature and their hormones kick in, too many roosters will become very hard physically on your hens, over-breeding them, biting and plucking the feathers from their necks and backs, battering them, and potentially, seriously injuring them. The only reason you really need a rooster is to fertilize eggs for hatching and 1 rooster can easily handle 10-15 hens in that regard. You either need to eat all of those roosters except one or else re-home them. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Michael speaks the truth. In fact if you don't need fertile eggs for hatching or selling - there really is no reason to have a rooster at all. The hens will continue to lay just as many eggs(tho non fertile) and will be much less stressed without one. Your kids can get to like hens just as much as a rooster, that may turn on them once hormones kick in.
I totally agree. I no longer keep a roo and my girls seem happier for it. I simply buy fertile eggs if I want to hatch chicks and set them under my broody. Oh, I forgot to mention that my wife is even happier than my hens!

Haha! Yeah, I'm beginning to think that may be an option. But, since I love my chickens & they are my pets it's hard to think about doing that.

You will have too many roos for the number of hens you have, but if they are nice tempered and are your pets you could always set up a bachelor pad, a pen for roosters only with their own run. By themselves, the roosters should get along, and since they are being kept separate, they won't be able to disturb the hens.
Also, if they have nice temperaments you can see if anyone in your area is looking for a flock rooster.

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