Top Heavy, Dragging Beak, Rooster?

District Eggs

In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2021
This happened to my rooster a couple years ago. All of a sudden he was walking backwards and dragging his beak on the ground. I knew right away it was a very mild form of wry neck and popped a vitamin E capsule into his beak, and in an hour he was back to normal.

I continued with the E for a couple more days, and he never had it happen again.
Wry neck is a neurological symptom which can include a twisted or sagging neck, and other movements such as running in circles or walking backward may be seen. It can be caused by a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, a head or neck injury, and can be an early symptom of certain diseases that affect the brain. Mareks disease, fowl cholera, and some viral respiratory diseases are some. Most people try vitamin E 400 IU daily, a little scrambled egg for a small amount of selenium which helps the E, and a small amount of extra vitamin B complex for thiamine. Many foods contain thiamine.

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