Transitioning from starter feed


Apr 23, 2022
My Coop
My Coop

My chicks turned 16 weeks today. Yesterday I found a couple eggs in my temporary coop (until their permanent home is complete).

Currently, I have been feeding them Purina Start and Grow Starter and Grower Medicated Laying Chick Feed Crumbles. Now that some are starting to lay eggs, I’m looking to transition them from starter feed to adult feed.

The brand I’m looking to transition to is Kalmbach 16% All Natural Layer Pellets. I was told that the pellets last longer than the mashed food and is less likely to mold. I also, will keep a jar of oyster shells for them to snack on.

What are your thoughts and recommendations on the Kalmbach?
16% feed is pretty much the lowest I would consider acceptable. I would aim for 18% or 20% if available.

As for the oyster shells, not really necessary since you are providing layer feed. My usage for oyster shells is if I have to use a non-layer feed for reasons such as a mixed age flock - flockraiser with a side of oyster shells. Everyone eats the flock raiser, the layers will grab some oyster too. On a side note, tossing back the crushed eggshells from the eggs you use is a good free source of calcium for them too.

Another note on transitioning from crumbles to pellets is that they are bit harder for the chickens to break up in their system. If you haven't provided grit, or at least let them out to scratch in the dirt, you will want to do that prior to giving pellets.
You can keep feeding chick feed, but use the un medicated stuff and provide oyster shell on the side. Of feed flock raiser.
I agree with Nut. A good all flock/flock raiser with oyster shell and grit on the side is all you need. By 16 weeks, the medicated has, or should have, done what it was designed to do.
Thank you all. I will check the feed store to see if they carry higher than 16%. Do I need higher than 16% if the chickens have access to eating grass and oyster shells?
You can keep feeding chick feed, but use the un medicated stuff and provide oyster shell on the side. Of feed flock raiser.
Is it okay to eat the eggs from chick feed? I thought they needed to more to adult feed in order to get the nutrients for the eggs.
Thank you all. I will check the feed store to see if they carry higher than 16%. Do I need higher than 16% if the chickens have access to eating grass and oyster shells?
16% is the minimum for factory farming conditions. I'm sure yours will have much more activity and will benefit from a higher protein.
16% is the minimum for factory farming conditions. I'm sure yours will have much more activity and will benefit from a higher protein.

Okay, thank you very much. Do you have a brand recommendation I can see if my feed store has it in stock.

The eggs are fine. Any nutritional difference would be at a scientific level. Not something you would notice.

Ok - thank you!
Thank you all. I will check the feed store to see if they carry higher than 16%. Do I need higher than 16% if the chickens have access to eating grass and oyster shells?
No you don't really need higher protein.
My hens are 6 years old and still laying eggs. They eat 16% laying crumbled feed.

Earlier you mentioned this:
Grower Medicated Laying Chick Feed Crumbles.
The LAYER word isn't usually listed on a bag of CHICK feed.
The word layer usual means the feed has enough calcium in it for egg laying ages birds.

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