Treadle vs Dine a Chook to deter wild birds?


Aug 28, 2024
We are having the biggest issue with wild birds.
We bought 4 x 20kg bags of food (roughly a month's worth) and it's gone in 3 weeks because of the wild birds.

Has anyone got any feedback on the treadle feeders vs dine a chook?
We currently use the plastic ones and have done since we got our girls, but the wild birds are ALL OVER them and it's only been the last few months that they've really amped up.


the feeder/waterer we currently use ^

Any feedback/info/tips greatly appreciated.
I can't see how Dine a chook could deter small wild birds like house sparrows. I use a treadle feeder and that solved both my sparrows and mice problems.

I sort of assumed the same, but someone suggested it I think on a Facebook group so I was trying to look into what the best option was and came here.

Are there any issues I should be aware of with treadle feeders? I love my girls but I don't think they're the smartest bunch so don't want to end up with one of them hurting themselves - that and we have a pretty huge weight difference between our smallest & largest girls.
My largest hen is 4kg and my smallest is less then 1kg and they all use the pedal. These feeders must have a clean solid base (I use bricks) because they can tip over or the pedal might get blocked by pine shavings.
We are having the biggest issue with wild birds.
We bought 4 x 20kg bags of food (roughly a month's worth) and it's gone in 3 weeks because of the wild birds.

Has anyone got any feedback on the treadle feeders vs dine a chook?
We currently use the plastic ones and have done since we got our girls, but the wild birds are ALL OVER them and it's only been the last few months that they've really amped up.

View attachment 4068436
the feeder/waterer we currently use ^

Any feedback/info/tips greatly appreciated.
Where have you got your feeders?

Is your run protected with some sort of barrier on top?

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