Treating an ill chicken


5 Years
Aug 9, 2019
Central Wisconsin
I have a 10 week old Dominique that is hot to touch, more sleepy, tends be away from others, I have it separated.
Fed it scrambled eggs w sugar.
Vent is clear, eyes clear,
I did see it gagging yawning for a little bit but stopped and didn’t do it for a few days.
Apple cidar vinager and electrolytes in water.
I am not sure what to do.
I would take a picture but it looks fine. Oh and poop is normal looking. Formed w a touch of white (no mucus or blood)
I do have doxycycline but not sure if I should give it. I made the bird drink vitamin water. He or she doesn’t like being away from the others. And it did try to forage a bit just not doing the same as the others.
Quarantined and waiting to see if he or she improves.

Can they have garlic? Garlic is a natural antibiotic
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I belive you can feed them garlic I read u can slightly crush a clove and add it to water hope your little one is feeling better soon
Fed it scrambled eggs w sugar.

Apple cidar vinager and electrolytes in water.

I made the bird drink vitamin water.

How long was it acting 'off' before giving all this stuff?
Was the vinegar pasteurized or active with the 'mother'?
What kind of vitamins and electrolytes?
How long have you given these things?

The 'gagging' is probably it adjusting the crop, might it have picked up something it should eat in the yard/run?
Is it hot where you are?

I would be more inclined to stick with a good chick starter and plain water,
adding more stuff to the mix may only complicate things.
How long was it acting 'off' before giving all this stuff?
Was the vinegar pasteurized or active with the 'mother'?
What kind of vitamins and electrolytes?
How long have you given these things?

The 'gagging' is probably it adjusting the crop, might it have picked up something it should eat in the yard/run?
Is it hot where you are?

I would be more inclined to stick with a good chick starter and plain water,
adding more stuff to the mix may only complicate things.
It is Braggs vinegar the good stuff
Chick starter - yes
Electrolytes pkg from TSC
I noticed as soon as I got home yesterday.
Visiting my kids for 3 days
My hubby was feeding the chicks and didn’t notice anything a miss:fl:barnie
I noticed one hen had a eye issue and this one was sleeping more.

So I cleaned the coop and run, and freshened up the food and fresh water.
I hope they all are okay. They free range mostly and my husband catches grasshoppers for them.
He does like them.

These chickens are fun but expensive.
A hen or the 10 week old sleeping alot?
They are all 10 weeks.
We have 3 dominques that are mixed so we don’t know if they are males or females.
One with an eye issue is doing good today. Active and eating.
The one that is by itself and sleeping more is eating and I separated this one to watch it. They sure do miss the others.
Was not perching just sleeping on the ground. Sleeping on a low roost in the garage kennel
Husband said he threw away some moldy pumpkins and he saw them by the compost.
I don’t think they would eat that.
Lots of grasshoppers
They might.
How's the crop?

This is what I do when a bird is acting 'off':
I isolate bird in a wire cage within the coop for a day or I can closely monitor their intake of food and water, crop function(checking at night and in morning before providing more feed), and their poops. Feel their abdomen, from below vent to between legs, for squishy or hard swelling. Check for external parasites or any other abnormalities.

Best to put crate right in coop or run so bird is still 'with' the flock.
I like to use a fold-able wire dog crate (24"L x 18"W x 21"H) with smaller mesh(1x2) on bottom of crate under tray.
Then you can put tray underneath crate to better observe droppings without it being stepped in. If smaller mesh is carefully installed, tray can still be used inside crate.
I can do that put the cage in the cage. How do I check the crop? Is that the neck? They don’t have much of a crop yet.
Good idea about moving her inside. I have much to learn about chickens. I didn’t see any mites. I looked by the vent and feathers look clean.
They don’t have much of a crop yet.
Oh, they all have crops and can get quite large when full.
Chicks can look like they are going to tip over with a stuffed crop.
Harder to see on a fully feathered bird, but you can feel it with some practice.
I regularly feel the crops when I lock up after dark,
but my roosts are the prefect height to do this without picking the bird up.

The crop is below the base of the neck on the right side of the birds chest.
It holds feed until the feed moves down the digestive tract.
It should be full at roost time, and empty by morning.

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