Trying out ducks!


Aug 12, 2021
I want to give raising ducks a try. My eventual goal (if I end up liking ducks) would be to raise them on pasture, which is what I am doing with my flock of chickens. I am thinking of buying several ducks and raising them with my chickens to try them out before investing in new setup just for the ducks. If the ducks are kept in an enclosed in electric netting, where my chickens are, would a dog kennel be sufficient to lock them in at night? Or do you have suggestions for an easy diy duck coop? Thanks!
If you intend on having any male ducks, you cannot keep the ducks with your chickens past 3 months old. Mature, male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

If the electric netting / dog kennel is predator proof, sure, I don’t see why not. 4 sq ft per duck at night.
If you intend on having any male ducks, you cannot keep the ducks with your chickens past 3 months old. Mature, male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

If the electric netting / dog kennel is predator proof, sure, I don’t see why not. 4 sq ft per duck at night.
I have 2 drakes with my flock of chickens and ducks and goose. I have never had a problem with my drakes trying to mate a chicken hen. It's very important that a drake or drakes have plenty of female ducks to keep them occupied then it is less likely a drake will go after a chicken. I would never pen up my drakes with other poultry either. But mine do sleep all in the same coop at night except for my Muscovy they have their own coop.
I have 2 drakes with my flock of chickens and ducks and goose. I have never had a problem with my drakes trying to mate a chicken hen. It's very important that a drake or drakes have plenty of female ducks to keep them occupied then it is less likely a drake will go after a chicken. I would never pen up my drakes with other poultry either. But mine do sleep all in the same coop at night except for my Muscovy they have their own coop.
Yes, this is why I say they cannot “safely” live. They can certainly live together, but there is never a guarantee that the drakes will leave them alone, no matter how many hens you have. Raising ducks with chickens will make it harder for any drakes to coexist, too.

“Less likely” is just not enough for me when you could keep them separate and avoid it all together.
If you intend on having any male ducks, you cannot keep the ducks with your chickens past 3 months old. Mature, male ducks cannot safely live with chickens.

If the electric netting / dog kennel is predator proof, sure, I don’t see why not. 4 sq ft per duck at night.
Thank you! I do plan on getting male ducks, so I will keep that in mind.

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