Trying to decide on breed for son


12 Years
Nov 30, 2012
So my 14 year old son wants to get into chickens. I have previously had chickens myself (quite a few years back). However I wanted outside opinions on what species to get him. (And yes he will be monitored. Yes I will take over if he loses intrest. I love chickens as well. He also has done well caring for his hamster who is almost 3 years old)

What he is looking for

1. High egg production. Preferably larger eggs and a breed with a longer laying duration.

2. On the mellow side. Yes we will be getting a roo. I do not belive in having chickens without one. He loves to socialize with chickens. (He occasionally helps someone else with their flock).

3. Not overly large

4. Not a need but pretty colored (multi colored) feathers are a bonus.
Easter eggers (ameraucana based, not legbar based) are super sweet and my girl lays very well. They are a bit bigger though, around 5-6 lbs.

Wyandottes are a hit or miss with personality. Good egg layers though.

I would highly suggest Faverolles. They are bigger but incredibly sweet and lay very well. They aren’t that brilliant but that is part of their charm.

With roosters, be completely hands off with them when they are little. If you are very hands on and cuddly with a rooster, more times than not he will become aggressive. Especially even more so if he hasnt been bred for temperament. I would highly suggest getting all pullets first then add a cockerel or a mature rooster after they have started to lay. Plus, depending on how many you get, you may get an oopsie rooster.

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