Trying to price BSL hatching eggs


7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Schuylkill County , Pennsylvania
Hey all!

So I have my Black Sex Link project in full swing and have successfully hatched 2 batches of chicks. But when I was in Agway today, a lady asked me if I had fertile hatching eggs that she could buy since she has a broody hen. She only wants 6, which is fine by me. But I'm having trouble trying to figure out what I should price them at.

My thought was figure out what the price for a full dozen was and then just half it for her. Anybody have any ideas? So far they've been really great quality birds, and I sold out of my females from my last batch already. (Still working on advertising the current ones).

Hatch rate info if it helps: (This is also my first season hatching them out with this project).
First hatch had a 66.67% hatch rate
Second hatch had a 76.47% hatch rate

Any answers/help/etc. would be appreciated!
Hatching eggs aren't selling well around here, but between $2 and $3 per egg would be "good", I just saw purebred Cream Legbar eggs, 18 for $15 locally. Our market seems to be completely flooded here.
Hey all!

So I have my Black Sex Link project in full swing and have successfully hatched 2 batches of chicks. But when I was in Agway today, a lady asked me if I had fertile hatching eggs that she could buy since she has a broody hen. She only wants 6, which is fine by me. But I'm having trouble trying to figure out what I should price them at.

My thought was figure out what the price for a full dozen was and then just half it for her. Anybody have any ideas? So far they've been really great quality birds, and I sold out of my females from my last batch already. (Still working on advertising the current ones).

Hatch rate info if it helps: (This is also my first season hatching them out with this project).
First hatch had a 66.67% hatch rate
Second hatch had a 76.47% hatch rate

Any answers/help/etc. would be appreciated!
It depends on breed and reputation of breeder.
I paid $5/egg for BBS Marans and SFH from a certified farm.

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