We had a Jersey Giant get extremely broody and nothing would pop her out of it. After nearly 3 months of trying every remedy possible (even giving her eggs to sit on), we decided to get some chicks from TSC because none of the eggs produced a viable chick. She took to the babies immediately and has turned into a wonderful mother. She does an excellent job training and protecting the littles from the others. However, we are stumped on what one of them is. Is it a roo or hen, and what breed is it? I was not smart enough to take a picture of the sign when we bought them so any help is appreciated.
We are pretty confident the black ones are black sexlinks but what is the white one and what gender is it?
The last two pictures were taken the day we bought them, 6/28. We bought two white ones and two black ones, but unfortunately one white one didn’t survive.
We think they were just a few days old when bought, does that seem logical from the pictures? So now they would be about 6 weeks old?
If the white one is a roo, when can we wean him? We don’t need a rooster.
Thanks in advance!
We are pretty confident the black ones are black sexlinks but what is the white one and what gender is it?
The last two pictures were taken the day we bought them, 6/28. We bought two white ones and two black ones, but unfortunately one white one didn’t survive.
We think they were just a few days old when bought, does that seem logical from the pictures? So now they would be about 6 weeks old?
If the white one is a roo, when can we wean him? We don’t need a rooster.
Thanks in advance!
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