TSC Mystery Chick


Aug 1, 2024
NC Piedmont
We had a Jersey Giant get extremely broody and nothing would pop her out of it. After nearly 3 months of trying every remedy possible (even giving her eggs to sit on), we decided to get some chicks from TSC because none of the eggs produced a viable chick. She took to the babies immediately and has turned into a wonderful mother. She does an excellent job training and protecting the littles from the others. However, we are stumped on what one of them is. Is it a roo or hen, and what breed is it? I was not smart enough to take a picture of the sign when we bought them so any help is appreciated.

We are pretty confident the black ones are black sexlinks but what is the white one and what gender is it?

The last two pictures were taken the day we bought them, 6/28. We bought two white ones and two black ones, but unfortunately one white one didn’t survive.

We think they were just a few days old when bought, does that seem logical from the pictures? So now they would be about 6 weeks old?

If the white one is a roo, when can we wean him? We don’t need a rooster.

Thanks in advance!


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Nothing about the white one says cockerel to me at this point. No idea on breed. In this pic the comb is about the same size and color as the black one so I think pullet for now
Hard to know on breeds for either. TSC often has black sex link chicks with slate legs rather than white or yellow, not sure if the parent stock just has non-standard leg colors or if the hatcheries are experimenting with different breeds for their sex-linked hybrids.

The white chick is splash colored (two blue genes diluting black, which is why you have some grey-ish blue feathers sprinkled in). It could be one of their "Sapphire Gems" which is just a blue/splash colored hybrid chicken, usually laying brown eggs. Possibility that it's a green laying EE.

Sex is a toss up right now.
Thanks for the replies. I’ve sent an email to the hatchery too so it will be interesting to see what they say. Any other thoughts from this group is appreciated too.
Yes sorry I never posted it here…

“We are Tractor Supply's main supplier of birds, but we are not their only supplier of in store birds.

I'm really not sure what the birds are. It looks like around June 25th, we sent them in store Americanas, Rhode Island Reds, and Black Australorps. I don't think any of them look like these breeds based on the photos.

Sorry I couldn't be more help!”

We are pretty certain all of them are hens. The one solid black one looks a lot like our black Jersey giant and is a little bigger than the other two.

The white one hasn’t developed any cockerel type feathers and the comb is just slightly bigger than the black ones.

The black one with the brown front is an escape artist and constantly got out of their ghetto run we had rigged up. lol. We’ve since upgraded it to a better one and she seem more content. Just still no idea on what breed.

This picture kinda shows their size but it’s too far away to show any features.


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