Tube Feeding Equipment


5 Years
Feb 22, 2019
Western WA
Hey guys,

Still working on filling out my first aid supplies. I'm looking at tube feeding equipment. My biggest conundrum is figuring out what size tube to use. Tube size units seem to be Fr. The last link gives 3 Fr, 5 Fr, 8 Fr and 10 Fr as options. Are any of these appropriate for chickens? And just in case there is a difference between LF and bantams, which size would be good for each?

Also, what CC/oz/mL syringe do you use? I've seen it recommended to do three 2 oz syringes. Should I just have one 6 oz syringe? Is there a point to having a bunch of smaller ones?

Do any of these look ok?
For the smaller birds, I like to use a 30 ml or 35 ml syringe and a 16 or 18 French catheter.
How small are your bantams?
Thank you. I have a 9 month old Belgian Bearded d'Uccle, named Chickpea. He has peck marks on one side of his comb and seemed depressed, not eating or drinking much and staying by himself away from the flock, and after a few days of this he was looking quite lethargic, most likely was very dehydrated. For past couple of days I've been using a syringe to give him water mixed with Rooster Booster vitamins and electrolytes, 3-6 ml of water, every 2 hours, and try to entice him to eat any of his favorite foods, but he eats very little. Today he drank more and I think ate more than yesterday because he pooped more. His poop looks normal. Yesterday I still feared he might not make it, but today he gave me a little hope.

Chickpea was fine, healthy and with good appetite, and every one of my other chickens, 5 pullets and Bowie, my Polish cockerel got along with him, until a week ago. Whenever Bowie mates with the pullets, Chickpea kept trying to get in on the action, and would grab the pullet by her neck feathers even before Bowie had gotten off her. He would even try to get them on his own but he's just too small for them, though he did manage to mate with the smaller of the pullets a couple of times. Bowie didn't seem to mind until Chickpea actually challenged him more than once, and on the 2nd or 3rd time he started a fight with Bowie, which I thought was both cute and hilarious seeing that tiny cockerel challenging and fighting with a much larger one, Bowie ran him off, without any pecking or Chickpea getting hurt. A few days passed when I noticed Bowie was running him off from the large feeder and the food dishes, and Chickpea was staying apart from the others and whenever he tried to come near Bowie would do his rooster dance making Chickpea run off. But then I noticed that even when Chickpea was alone next to food and water he wasn't eating or drinking and seemed depressed. I thought he was sick, so when I saw the small dark spots and darkening at the tip of his comb, I thought he might have fowl pox, but after reading some of the comments threads on this forum and looked at photos, it convinced me that he doesn't have fowl pox, and the small spots are peck marks, most likely he was pecked while roosting in the coop. The darkening I guess is frostbites, even though it hasn't been freezing cold for weeks. Maybe there was too much humidity and not enough ventilation in the coop. Now, after almost a week of Chickpea barely eating and drinking enough to stay alive, his comb looks sickly, a bit ashen and limp or shriveled, and his feather look messy. Could depression cause a chicken to stop eating?

I'm hoping that he'll pull through, that with me giving him food and water away from the others, it'll help him get better. I still let him sleep in the coop as he gets agitated and keeps trying to escape when it's the time to go to the coop for the night. Tonight I applied Rooster Booster Peck-No-More on his comb before taking him to the coop.

Photos and video clips of Chickpea:


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