Turkey hen turning into Tom???


Sep 23, 2020
Lincoln County, MO, USA
Pearl is about a year and a half. She’s laid maybe 60 eggs this year, and has hatched a few herself of the ones we chose not to incubate. She currently has one two week old poult. She’s been trying to drop and mate with me, but today she’s also acting like a Tom! I’ve noticed her head becoming a male-like blue the past few weeks. Her snood is elongating, neck bumps (don’t know what those are called) are plump like a Tom, and the extra skin under her heads appears Tom-like as well. She is displaying today as a Tom. Still raising her poult. She is small like a hen and still dainty compared to our Spanish Black Tom. Has ANYONE heard of this? Explainations?? Hormone imbalance possibly?

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