Turkey poult weak/failing to thrive?


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2023
came to search for advice regarding one of my poults. About 4 months old now at least, maybe a bit older. But I found him laying down under one of my enclosures outside. He’s been outdoors for awhile. It’s not extremely hot out today. Brought him in and he’s very tired. Droopy wings, no interest in eating/drinking independently and has some yellow poo.
Nothing within their diet has changed. MFA protein feed, sunflower seeds.. My hens and tom(adults) and two other young turkeys I have all appear okay but now I’m afraid they may not be for long. I read about the “blackhead disease” and milkweed being poisonous (they free range) now I’m worried😞 trying to get the poult that’s inside to perk up and it’s looking grim.
Anything I can do to possibly help him if it’s not already too late; or what I should do for the others? I read dewormer for the birds could be a good idea.
came to search for advice regarding one of my poults. About 4 months old now at least, maybe a bit older. But I found him laying down under one of my enclosures outside. He’s been outdoors for awhile. It’s not extremely hot out today. Brought him in and he’s very tired. Droopy wings, no interest in eating/drinking independently and has some yellow poo.
Nothing within their diet has changed. MFA protein feed, sunflower seeds.. My hens and tom(adults) and two other young turkeys I have all appear okay but now I’m afraid they may not be for long. I read about the “blackhead disease” and milkweed being poisonous (they free range) now I’m worried😞 trying to get the poult that’s inside to perk up and it’s looking grim.
Anything I can do to possibly help him if it’s not already too late; or what I should do for the others? I read dewormer for the birds could be a good idea.
I wouldn't worry about milkweed. The turkeys leave it alone.
Welcome to BYC, sorry your poult is not feeling well. Do you have any antibiotics? Is a vet an option?
no antibiotics, a vet would’ve been an option but he JUST passed. I’m not sure what went wrong. Was okay yesterday, last night and most of this morning
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no antibiotics, a vet would’ve been an option but he JUST passed. I’m not sure what went wrong. Was okay yesterday, last night and most of this morning
I’ve looked at everyone and no one seems to be behaving differently or seem weak like he was. I’ll check again later this evening, and watch for the yellow poo.. He had no discharge or anything of that sort
no antibiotics, a vet would’ve been an option but he JUST passed. I’m not sure what went wrong. Was okay yesterday, last night and most of this morning
So sorry for your loss. It's pretty easy to do a necropsy, so if you're up to it, you could try. Something like blackhead is really easy to see.

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