Turkey with broken leg

Nchucktown sc boy

17 Years
Mar 16, 2008
I have a turkey with a leg that has been broken on the Metatarsus. The skin is roughed up and I have placed a gauze pad with antibiotic salve over it and placed a splint on the leg. I have it in a rabbit cage on it's own so it can heal. What should I do?
Hi! Can you post pictures? It does sound like you took all the right steps. Do you have amoxicillin on hand in case it gets infected? I would keep him in the small cage for a few days to allow it to heal.
Is it a compound fracture through the skin? If so, a vet would be your best move. The turkey may need special antibiotics to help prevent an infection in the bones. Nerve damage is also a concern. Cephalexin or clindamycin could be some of the antibiotics used. Do you have any pictures of the wound? Do you have the turkey separated from others? If the skin is not broken, then splinting the wound may be enough. It can take several weeks for a healing callus to form on the bones. Here is a good splinting link page 22:
Is it a compound fracture through the skin? If so, a vet would be your best move. The turkey may need special antibiotics to help prevent an infection in the bones. Nerve damage is also a concern. Cephalexin or clindamycin could be some of the antibiotics used. Do you have any pictures of the wound? Do you have the turkey separated from others? If the skin is not broken, then splinting the wound may be enough. It can take several weeks for a healing callus to form on the bones. Here is a good splinting link page 22:
Turkey is separated from the rest of the flock in a rabbit cage with food and water. I've got the penicillin that tractor supply sells, is that a good one to use? Durvet Penicillin Injectable is what is on their website. I didn't see anything poking through the skin but am going to see if the vet I go to will see it or will tell me where to go. When I was bandaging the leg it was opening and closing it foot so I think any nerve damage is minute. When I change the bandage in the morning I'll take pictures.
Image of the wound as I changed gauze and bandage. @Eggcessive


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Started to do a new post and realized I never updated here. Princess is doing good, and yes that's her name now, She has been reintroduced to the flock after a lonely recovery in her own Isolation ward yard. Besides a little thickness where the break was you would never be able to tell that the leg was injured at all. Many thanks to everyone who help get me the intel I needed.
Started to do a new post and realized I never updated here. Princess is doing good, and yes that's her name now, She has been reintroduced to the flock after a lonely recovery in her own Isolation ward yard. Besides a little thickness where the break was you would never be able to tell that the leg was injured at all. Many thanks to everyone who help get me the intel I needed.
Not sure you will see this as has been a while, how long did it take to recover? I have a similar issue.
Not sure you will see this as has been a while, how long did it take to recover? I have a similar issue.
Princess, yes she got named that because that's how we treated her, made a full recovery. She has a bit of a lump where the break was but beyond that she is out with the other birds eating, running, and seeming to have a blast with life. Edit: Just saw you were asking how long. If I remember right she was under isolation for about two months before I decided she was well enough to start reintroducing her to the flock.
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