Turkey with chronic swollen hock and newly closed nares with swelling and possible growth over nose and roof of mouth


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2022
1) male Turkey (Phinneas), 1 year old, 17 pounds
2) chronic swelling to right hock/knee joint has been a problem for several months. He has become increasingly unable to walk on the leg and in the last three weeks, he won't use it at all, but hops on his other leg. Today, I realized his nares are almost or totally closed and there is some sort of growth/build up around his nose. It seems to also have caused swelling into the roof of his mouth.
I tried orally dosing LA 50, but he hated that, so I stopped after the second day. Gave LA 50 subQ (under his skin), but only 1 dose that first day before I was unable to care for him further. A week later, this is his condition with his nose now an issue, possibly related.
4) No other birds are having these issues. Everyone else is healthy, including chickens and his turkey mate.
5) No bones are broken. I can move his leg, but it is obviously painful in the joint. I was treating him with LA 50 for the joint before I saw his nose and the roof of his mouth. There is some blood on his nose now, too.
7) Still eating scratch and AllFlock pelleted food, drinking water
8) Poop is typically loose and watery, no blood, sometimes it is formed, but it is often mixed.
9) Tx I've given is noted above
10 ) I'd prefer to treat him myself as much as possible
Pictures attached
Phinneas is a free-range turkey who spends his days sitting in the shade next to his water and food bowls watching over his mate and an active group of chickens/roosters. He patrols when he feels better and is just a wonderful boy, but he is feeling too bad to walk with them. Any help is SO appreciated!


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Update: just by chance, we started Phin on a round of Penicillin IM shots for 4 days. After the 1st day, there was huge improvement to his nose and mouth. After the four days, his spirits had improved, as well. After a week, his Moses is improved but not well, and he still isn't using his leg as his knee continues to be swollen and painful.
Still looking for advice on how to help him.
I've also got a 3.5mo Tom with a lame leg (not the other issues that you're having) but I ran across this and wanted to share with you--you could go look further into this condition. I also would guess that yours had a secondary infection which is why the injection medication worked--so, maybe not connected to the leg issue--however, this condition includes leg and respiratory system:

"The most common cause of lameness in turkeys is Mycoplasma infection, which can be transmitted in several ways; through the air, through the egg and through mating. In most cases, Mycoplasma causes swollen leg joints. Mycoplasma can also cause Respiratory Disease. Lameness."
I've also got a 3.5mo Tom with a lame leg (not the other issues that you're having) but I ran across this and wanted to share with you--you could go look further into this condition. I also would guess that yours had a secondary infection which is why the injection medication worked--so, maybe not connected to the leg issue--however, this condition includes leg and respiratory system:

"The most common cause of lameness in turkeys is Mycoplasma infection, which can be transmitted in several ways; through the air, through the egg and through mating. In most cases, Mycoplasma causes swollen leg joints. Mycoplasma can also cause Respiratory Disease. Lameness."
I believe you are absolutely correct. After the injections, as you said, the "secondary infection" improved while I also agree that mycoplasma probably was the starting issue with Phin's leg and lungs. Sadly, he passed soon after the injections.

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