Does anyone range heritage turkeys using electric netting? I am new to keeping turkeys, I hatched 10 Narragansett poults about a week ago now and will have a few weeks before they go out to pasture. My plan is to grow them out and retain a tom and 3, maybe 4 hens…
But my plan may be foiled because due to my living situation and my infrastructure, I do not have an option to confine them in a “run”. I have a coop / shelter for them with a roost for nighttime, but in the day they will range contained by electro netting fence that’s 48” tall. I have ranged geese, ducks, and chickens with this netting. I know heritage turkeys are adept at flying but I believe (perhaps incorrectly) I could train them to netting and to range with other fowl in large movable pastures.
But my plan may be foiled because due to my living situation and my infrastructure, I do not have an option to confine them in a “run”. I have a coop / shelter for them with a roost for nighttime, but in the day they will range contained by electro netting fence that’s 48” tall. I have ranged geese, ducks, and chickens with this netting. I know heritage turkeys are adept at flying but I believe (perhaps incorrectly) I could train them to netting and to range with other fowl in large movable pastures.