Two Broody chickens at the same time


5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Question: I have two hens that are broody that are sitting on 9 eggs together. Do you think they will be okay with each other in the same hen house laying, hatching, raising the same eggs and baby chicks or will they fight with each other? Do I have to separate them or should I just leave them alone? They are fine now, while they are keeping the eggs warm, just not sure what will happen once the babies get here. The eggs should hatch in the next couple of days.
A lot depends upon the temperament of the hens. Some breeds brood and 'co raise' the chicks with no problems. Some argue over the eggs and in trying to steal them from one another crack and break the eggs. Breeds like cochins and silkies in my experience do well on communal nests game hens on the other hand do not seem to do as well. Personally I do not like to let hens share a nest and brood of chicks because of the possibility of problems. That's nothing more than my preference. Good luck.

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