Two Cockerels free to good coop!

My Nine Girls

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 29, 2012
I have one Naked Neck and one mixed breed (he's my avatar picture). I live in Pasadena MD if anyone is interested, please let me know. They are just starting to cockadoodledo and will be too noisy for my neighborhood. I was told they were hens when I got them.
It's most definitely a female. Looks like a Silkie/Game mix. No male feathering at all. Pattern is fairly uniform and even, and the comb is pretty darn small.
Are you sure it's not the egg song you're hearing?
Look past the feather pattern to the shape of the feather. The feathers on the back (saddle) are all very rounded. And I've got quite a few black hens with iridescent tail feathers, it's just something that occurs in black feathers.
No it's definitely cockadoodledo! Maybe part mocking bird
I'm going to take some close pics and post.
There was a person, last year, that had a crowing pullet. She was copying her brother. Once the cockerel was rehomed, she stopped crowing. And she did start laying eggs, so that proved, once and for all, it was a female.

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