Two died at the same time


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2023
Hi, We are still new to the raising chickens life. We have a small flock who free range on our 10 acres. They stay in the 1 acre radius around the house. 24 days ago we decided to hatch our own chicks in an incubator. Out of 8 we had 2 that hatched no problems, lost one during hatching the 5 left that didn’t form. After hatching with no issues we put them in a make shift ready brooder. It was clean and sanitized, and being kept warm with a red heat lamp. Chick starter feed and Hydro-Hen added to their water. Chicks did fine until this morning. As I started breakfast I could hear them both starting to chirp quite loud. So I call my ole man to come check on them. They’re chasing each other he said. Then they got quiet. He said one is lying on his back. That’s when I left the stove to see what was up. I could tell right away that something was wrong. So I touched it. That’s when the other one did the same thing. It then found its way to the other one where they both took their last breath. What are the chances of that happening? And what could I have done different for this not to happen again. It was very strange to watch it happen and couldn’t do anything to help. I felt so useless.
Thanks in advance for your input.
I'm sorry this happened. How old were the chicks? Did you have a thermometer in the bottom of your brooder to know how hot it was? Was there an area of the brooder that wasn't under the heat lamp so the chicks could get to a cooler area if they wanted to? What kind of bedding were you using? Were you feeding anything besides chick starter?
Hi, We are still new to the raising chickens life. We have a small flock who free range on our 10 acres. They stay in the 1 acre radius around the house. 24 days ago we decided to hatch our own chicks in an incubator. Out of 8 we had 2 that hatched no problems, lost one during hatching the 5 left that didn’t form. After hatching with no issues we put them in a make shift ready brooder. It was clean and sanitized, and being kept warm with a red heat lamp. Chick starter feed and Hydro-Hen added to their water. Chicks did fine until this morning. As I started breakfast I could hear them both starting to chirp quite loud. So I call my ole man to come check on them. They’re chasing each other he said. Then they got quiet. He said one is lying on his back. That’s when I left the stove to see what was up. I could tell right away that something was wrong. So I touched it. That’s when the other one did the same thing. It then found its way to the other one where they both took their last breath. What are the chances of that happening? And what could I have done different for this not to happen again. It was very strange to watch it happen and couldn’t do anything to help. I felt so useless.
Thanks in advance for your input.
I'm sorry. It's hard when don't know and can't help. Could it be the water additive was too strong? So odd.
I just put a splash of ACV in my quart Mason jars. Nothing fancy but long used by old timers.
I'm sorry this happened. How old were the chicks? Did you have a thermometer in the bottom of your brooder to know how hot it was? Was there an area of the brooder that wasn't under the heat lamp so the chicks could get to a cooler area if they wanted to? What kind of bedding were you using? Were you feeding anything besides chick starter?
Thank BBH. They hatched on 3 days ago on 4/20. I didn’t have a thermometer, yes there was plenty of room on the other side of the bin. Flake cedar flock razor crumble and hydro-hen in the water with no alternative.
I'm sorry. It's hard when don't know and can't help. Could it be the water additive was too strong? So odd.
I just put a splash of ACV in my quart Mason jars. Nothing fancy but long used by old timers.
RwG thank you, and though I’m new to this, I ain’t no spring chicken that’s for sure lol. I too am using a mason jar waterer. It holds 2 cups of water. I was sure to use the scoop provided 1 scoop per gallon. I then cut it half (8) then again (4), and again, (2). Which I feel crazy now because I can’t say for sure if a gallon is 16 or 32 cups. Just going by memory and like I said before, we’ll I can’t remember that either. Lmao. Getting old is for the birds. Lol lol Have a nice day. Many blessings!
Thank BBH. They hatched on 3 days ago on 4/20. I didn’t have a thermometer, yes there was plenty of room on the other side of the bin. Flake cedar flock razor crumble and hydro-hen in the water with no alternative.
The cedar might be the problem, I've heard that it's toxic to chickens and only pine shavings should be used. But for them to die simultaneously sounds very odd.
RwG thank you, and though I’m new to this, I ain’t no spring chicken that’s for sure lol. I too am using a mason jar waterer. It holds 2 cups of water. I was sure to use the scoop provided 1 scoop per gallon. I then cut it half (8) then again (4), and again, (2). Which I feel crazy now because I can’t say for sure if a gallon is 16 or 32 cups. Just going by memory and like I said before, we’ll I can’t remember that either. Lmao. Getting old is for the birds. Lol lol Have a nice day. Many blessings!
There are 16 cups to a gallon. I googled to find out.

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