Tyclosin 500 powder for turkey dosage?


yurkey crazy
7 Years
Apr 27, 2017
So awhile ago I bought some of this Tyclosin 500 powder off a Ukraine website that said it was basically just powder Tylan 50%. It has dosages on it, but I am kind of dumb when it comes to directions sometimes and I'm not very good at math. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the dosage would be for a turkey per gallon of water?


I got confused at the age as well. Why does it only specify 1-5 and then 21-22 days? I am confused, haha. Thanks in advance!
Oh boy, I hate powders! Do you have sick turkeys? If so, how much do they weigh and how much water do they drink in one day?
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Oh boy, I hate powders! Do you have sick turkeys? If so, how much do they weigh and how much water do they drink in one day?

Oh whoops! Missed this somehow. I have a 5 mo old Jake who has the sniffles and wetness around his nostrils sometimes. I did a 5 day tylan 100 powder in his water about a month ago and I thought it cleared him up, but I think its creeping back in again. Only reason i figured I'd try the tyclosin 500 is because the tylan we have is many years expired.

I'll have to see if I can weigh him later, hes a little underweight so I have been bringing him in during morning and night and letting him gorge on higher protein food but I figured if his nose is still bothering him it might be partly that too. Not sure how much water hes drinking, I'll have to keep him in a full day and see.

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