Currently have a turkey hen fighting some sort of respiratory illness (swollen hard sinus that i previously removed pus from, bubbly eyes, crackling and mouth full of mucus sometimes) and over the past few months i tried to treat her with tylan 200 (recommended by avian vet, it cleared her sister up when they were sick at the same time), but she never fully recovered. For awhile she had no mucus/sneezing or anything, just the swollen sinus we were having difficulty removing pus from. A couple days ago she suddenly started acting slightly off balance and lethargic and over 3 nights shes stopped really eating or drinking on her own and is barely pooping. Yellow urates. Yesterday we tubed her pedialyte 2 times but she still hasnt fully emptied her crop since then so im hesitant to feed her.
I am trying to treat with Tylan again but I'm scared its a lost cause after 2 previous treatments with it not working. I also tried baytril. Im wondering if I can continue her tylan, but also maybe introduce doxycycline or something at the same time?
When we originally had the vet visit months ago, her sister was worse off so they did a panel on her, and it had come back as E coli treatable with Tylan. I could only afford 1 swab (400 dollars) but we had assumed they both had the same infection. Now im not sure. Thanks for the help.
I am trying to treat with Tylan again but I'm scared its a lost cause after 2 previous treatments with it not working. I also tried baytril. Im wondering if I can continue her tylan, but also maybe introduce doxycycline or something at the same time?
When we originally had the vet visit months ago, her sister was worse off so they did a panel on her, and it had come back as E coli treatable with Tylan. I could only afford 1 swab (400 dollars) but we had assumed they both had the same infection. Now im not sure. Thanks for the help.