In the Brooder
- Jun 6, 2024
- 18
- 15
- 34
I have a few too many male quails in one pen and I'm trying to pair them up with females in other pens. They've been pecking at each other's faces so I've already separated 2 completely from the others, that I thought were the major bullies. It's been about a week and I went to put one of these in with a pen of 4 older females. He immediately started mounting them but this one hen wouldn't have it and was chasing him around pecking him. They all started pecking at each other, general chaos. So I took him out. Should I remove the rowdy hen and let him stay with the 3? Is it possible that she's broody about eggs that are in the pen and feels uncomfortable with him there? This morning their eggs were collected in a corner their box.