My 4 year old chicken Goldie was unable to walk so I brought her in to check her out. I don’t see any noticable injuries to her legs or feet. When she stands she immediately loses her balance and tips over.
I was watching her last night while she napped and it’s like her head wouldn’t stay down. It kept slowly creeping up until she was looking at the ceiling. (I wish I could attach a video but this picture will have to do.)
Everything I’ve read is saying wry neck so I’ve been giving her vitamin E rich foods (eggs, spinach, sunflower seeds) plus some rooster booster vitamins in her water. She won’t get up but she is eating and drinking fine.
Now chicken #2-Dixie (rip)
The next day Goldie’s twin Dixie was huddled in the corner so I took her in. She had yellowish poop stuck to her vent and her vent looked inflamed so I cleaned her off and applied some anti fungal cream. (Vent gleet?) this morning I applied some more in/around her vent. 30 seconds later she started flapping and killed over.
Now I am unsure of what I’m dealing with. Is it possible I had two chickens suffering from two different things at the same time?
Can chickens die from vent gleet? I feel bad I didn’t catch it sooner (been dealing with sick/almost dying cat for a couple weeks.)
All my chickens have been vaccinated against Mareks as chicks from the nursery…so I’m hoping to rule that out.
If there is something I’m missing please let me know. (3 other chickens have no symptoms)