Unsure if she's sick or if I am paranoid


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2024
North Carolina
Hi Everyone,

I have an 11 week old pullet that is acting strangely.
When I went in the run today Chanti stuck her head out of the door and got a little pinch as I didnt see her in the door.
The area is not small I can stick my hand through it so I dont think it could hurt her badly just a bit of a scare. But afterwords shes been acting strange.

Very sleepy and not interested in food or water. Her tail seems "sad" and shes pretty quiet.
I picked her up for a check and I dont see anything visibly off and she got on my shoulder like she normally does.

Ive read a few posts here trying to find what could be wrong but I think its just making me more worried/scared and less what I should do.

These are my first chickens (6 in total) so I am brand new to what to look for.

An update:
Just did another check on her. She's been acting oddly for about 4 hours now. BUT she seems to be doing better at the moment. She came to the fence line to greet me and took grass through the fence.
I also saw her drinking water when I came in.

I wonder if she was in shock due to stress? Either from the scare of the door or other factors? We have had a lot of mowing in the adjacent yards (including our own) since its the first non-raining day in over 4 weeks.

So I think we are okay but continuing to keep an eye on her. Let me know your thoughts still for future and of she goes back to acting strange
One of my naked necks stuck her head under the run door just as I was closing it once. I wasn't even looking that direction any more but walking away when I heard a distressed squawk. Her head was outside the run and her neck was shut between the bottom of the door and the ground. I thought her neck was broken for sure but then I opened the gate and she stood up and shook it off and was just fine!
If you think your chicken is in shock you can give her a little sugar and electrolytes and see if she perks up.
I think she has bounced back 100%! I went to go give them some of the fresh cut grass we raked up and she was the first at the door, loud as ever honking at me. Even stuck her head out the door again 🤦‍♀️She didn't learn a thing lol

We picked up some electrolytes to keep on hand in case we need them in the future.

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