I posted here 8 days ago. This gosling 4 months old (took photo today) malnourished am trying to resque after he was found almost dead.
He/She gained 50% of previous weight and now has a huge appetite. Went from 300grams to 450grams.
Diet -> Live mealworms and waxworms, chick starter, brewers yeast, fresh greens like lettuce peas and salads.
He became very active, he does a lot of splashing and self grooming now too, his infected eye is regaining sight and healing.
His paws with yesterday and today lost some toenails, cage has no blood at all, his bedding is soft Aspen Shavings. Am very confused also his paws are more stiff and the skin between seems...shrunk? Even if he has place to enter for water with feet and I give him bath.
Only info I read is to trim nails. I cut with dog clippers only tiny tiny tip of remaining toenail and it bled just a tiny bit so I stopped ( on photo there is tiny drop of blood.)
What does it mean and should I do something else for paws?