using stall dry in the chick bin?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
We were using newspaper...then we tried adding aspen shavings (we have some for our hamster)
We don't have a lot of newpaper around and it is stinky. we are changing it everyday.

Anyway, my brother in law suggested we go get drynest to use for my chicks (they are now 4 weeks old).
the farm supply place said they had some last time I was there, 40 for 12.99
but this time the same guy said I must be talking about stall we bought that. 40lbs for 11.99
It's really dusty...dirt and clay.

I cleaned out the bin (it's a huge plastic horse trough) brooder. and dumped some in (2-3") Dust flew in the air.
I waited for it to settle some, then put the chicks in...the chicks were scared of it!
I had to put newspaper over it, so they wouldn't freak out so much.

Do you think I bought the wrong stuff?

ALSO, the farm supply guy said it was 'food grade" when I asked if it was ok for chicks...but I dont see anywhere on the bag that labels it as such....?

any thoughts? suggestions?

link above: this is the stuff I got
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Newspaper isnt good for chicks, it gets too slippy. Also, the stall dry isnt meant to be the only bedding, it is meant to be added to existing bedding. Like pine shavings. My advice would be to dump your stall it if it is clean and get a bag of pine shavings. Put down a thin layer of stall dry then a thick layer of pine shavings. you can sprinkle in some stall dry periodically to keep things dry. I hope this helps
hahaha, now I feel silly...

thanks for the reply.

I wonder if the feed store was just out of drynest.
I will have to try again (to buy the drynest) but for the time being use some of the hamster's aspen shavings.

My chicks like newspaper...especially NEW newspaper. they scratch it, tear it up, rub on it...but I run out fast trying to keep it clean.
I haven't seen them slip on it?

I didn't like the aspen shavings because they got into their waterer, but now we have chicken nipples attached a bucket. So, that should be a problem anymore.

Again, thanks for clarifying the stall dry isn't meant to be used solo.
I use stall dry in my coop floor but found that it doesn't work as well with baby chick poop so for the first 4 weeks I stick to towels that I get cheap at Goodwill. I change them every day. At 4-5 weeks when the poops are more formed I switch to Stal Dry. yes it is very dusty but you only need an 1" or so. Scoop it out at least once a day using a cat litter scoop.
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