Ventilation ok?


Dec 31, 2023
Northern BC, Canada

OK. Northern BC. Got to about -40c with the windchill for about a week and couple times this winter.

This is my first coop build.
Side view is North , just above door photo is West, other photo is East.

The front part is 10' and the back is 6' high(this is to allow for snow sliding without filling up the run)

The whole building is 8x12, however we will have a wall in the middle.(6x8) This is a removable wall to allow for chicken math. The other side will be food storage and garden stuff. The whole coop will be insulated.

If I cover up the east and west sides with hardware cloth, and have hardware cloth along the top of the removable wall will this be enough ventilation? There will be a dutch style door in the middle with hardware cloth on the top half to have the option of having the main human door open during the summer.
There I'll be a slider window on the south side, but that is across from their roost, so summer should be find but concerned about winter.

Where would suggest more ventilation?

Thanks for all your help!

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