Very quiet chicks


Mar 13, 2024
So about a week ago +\- a day or two I picked up 2 gold laced Wyandottechicks. They seem to be thriving beautifully, seem very healthy, normal energy level, eating and drinking fine and doing normal chick “things” except for making any chirping, peeping, etc. noises. Like….hardly ever. They are so quiet I sometimes get worried they are 💀 in there and check on them constantly. I know this may sound like a blessing to some but from what I understand baby chicks communicate with each other A LOT And are very social.I just put 13 of them outside and before I did they were so vocal I was hearing birds in my head every where I went lol. I’m sure they are fine but should I be concerned about this at all or should I be more grateful? 🙃 thanks!
Oh my gosh your description was perfect, I heard chicks in my head when I had a lot of them too. When I had three they weren't that loud though. If they're growing and active I wouldn't worry about it. Are they huddling under the heat source at all? How's their poos?

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