Feb 1, 2023 #1 M mike19 Hatching Feb 1, 2023 1 0 7 Would like to buy 4-6 Welsummer pullets or hens. Will be using them for a breeding program. Please be willing to ship, I am located in Southern California. I will pay to offset shipping. Photo's appreciated, let me know what you have.
Would like to buy 4-6 Welsummer pullets or hens. Will be using them for a breeding program. Please be willing to ship, I am located in Southern California. I will pay to offset shipping. Photo's appreciated, let me know what you have.
Feb 13, 2023 #2 S Sally PB Addict Premium Feather Member Aug 7, 2020 28,792 154,851 1,443 Belding, MI It costs a lot to ship adult birds. Can you find some close enough to go pick up?