Wanting to reintegrate my 9 month old cockerel-maybe?


8 Years
Aug 11, 2016
I have a 9 month old Houdan cockerel that has been kept in a separate pen for the last 4 months. The ladies and he can see each other but not touch. He was separated due to very “excited” behaviors when he was younger. I’d like to try to have the ladies hatch some chicks (we’ve never had a Roo before). The 16 ladies are aged 4 years to not quite 1 but all the young ladies are laying. What and when is the best way to let them get together again? And what do I need to watch for or know? I want to just let them hatch their own eggs as I don’t have or want an incubator. Thanks so much!


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I would just let them all out into the yard. He will follow them back.

Note: just because you have a rooster, that tends to mean that you have fertilized eggs, but you just have to get lucky and get a broody hen. Having a rooster won't make a hen go broody.

Mrs K

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