Was a hen not a rooster


8 Years
Oct 12, 2016
Bennettsville, SC
I bought two easter eggers at tractor supply last year. I though I was getting eggs from both of them. Blue. But today I saw one egger matting with a hen. I could not believe my eyes. I took pics of both. Could a hen turn into a rooster. I have not heard in crowing from it only from my other rooster.
The one below is the one i caught matting a hen.

This one is laying. The easter egger on the right of the gold lace wyandotte. It looks like the combs are the same. What do you guys think?

thanks, Lois
Many animals will mount others regardless of the genders of the individuals involved, it's not about reproduction at all but rather establishing dominance which I think is what's going on here. That said occasionally a hen with reproductive issues will take on the appearance and behavior of a rooster. Even so, she simply has a hormonal imbalance and is not in fact turning into a rooster.

Again, I am pretty sure your hen was just dominating the other hen and her behavior is of no concern

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