Was supposed to be a CCL- Now not so sure?


Apr 7, 2022
Purchased 6 day old chicks. 4 female CCLs and 2 Males. Two older males and a hen. Now they are feathering out. Two of them look right to me for the breed. One of them looks similar but not quite right.

Anyone have any ideas?

I contacted the person I got them from she says they must be Crested Cream Legbars. And that even if the other roo is responsible it doesn't make sense- because the second roo is the product of a Rhode island red to a CCL hen. This chick does not look RIR to me at all. I was thinking maybe welsummer, but it's not supposed to be possible. I also think I see a crest forming. I'm stumped 🤔 Please help! Lol

Pictures is one chick that looks like a CCL to me and the chick in question. In the first picture the chick in question is the one on the left. Am I seeing things or does it look different then the other one?lol. I don't see barring on the one, and the pattern looks different and is a completely different color? Second to last photo where you are looking at them both from over head the chick in question is on the right


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Yeah, the gold one doesn't look to have barring on the feathers. Looks more like an Easter egger or olive egger to me than a Legbar.
I was thinking welsummer actually. I have grew out several variations of EE's and that pattern doesn't look right for those either. At least not the ones I've hatched out here
I was thinking welsummer actually. I have grew out several variations of EE's and that pattern doesn't look right for those either. At least not the ones I've hatched out here
I could be. Kind of looks like it is getting the little crest feathers to me, but that could be an illusion. Many Easter eggers nowadays are made by crossing Legbars and Welsumers, so that's why I guessed Easter egger. Time will tell.

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