My three year old Australorp started laying down a lot about two months ago. Like, she’d just be in the yard eating grass, laying down. Everybody else stands. She is extremely prone to broodiness - laid like two eggs as a pullet and went broody; didn’t lay for months after. Seems to go broody a few times a year, so I thought it was just that - half-brooding since she’d get put in broody jail when she was being legit broody and it started right after I broke her for the tenth time.
She eats, socializes, her feathers are clean and shiny, comb normal, no limping, no physical issues with her legs or feet. The other day I picked her up - none of my girls are snuggly so I don’t hold them often. I was surprised at how light she felt. Like, she looks the same as she always has, but she’s as light as a feather.
I don’t see any obvious issues. They’re on organic layer mash, free choice eggshell, live on construction sand (run), shavings (coop) + go in the yard when I’m with them (they are limited to a fenced grass area).
Nobody else is acting off or sick, I don’t see bugs, bumblefoot, or anything else. Crop feels normal but she has zero breast meat now. Thoughts? I swear, she is half the weight she used to be.
She eats, socializes, her feathers are clean and shiny, comb normal, no limping, no physical issues with her legs or feet. The other day I picked her up - none of my girls are snuggly so I don’t hold them often. I was surprised at how light she felt. Like, she looks the same as she always has, but she’s as light as a feather.
I don’t see any obvious issues. They’re on organic layer mash, free choice eggshell, live on construction sand (run), shavings (coop) + go in the yard when I’m with them (they are limited to a fenced grass area).
Nobody else is acting off or sick, I don’t see bugs, bumblefoot, or anything else. Crop feels normal but she has zero breast meat now. Thoughts? I swear, she is half the weight she used to be.