We have a barred rock hen that just this morning wasn’t moving around as much as usual. She seems to keep having trouble laying an egg, so we assumed she was egg bound and have been soaking her in a warm Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes, applied oil to the vent area, and fed her some extra calcium. She is walking around and sun bathing a bit now, but still more lethargic and can’t lay an egg even though she has been going to the egg box. She is due though, she didn’t lay yesterday and she tends to lay at least every other day. She also isn’t really pooping. Just projectile liquid sometimes. We just felt around her vent and didn’t feel any hard egg, and after doing more research it look like it could be water belly since her lower area seems swollen. I’ll attach photos we took after two soaks. We do not have a rooster in the case of vent vleet. I did clean some stuck poop off her feathers yesterday, but it seemed like just regular stuck poop, no yellowish tinge or anything. Any insight or advice on what to do?